Bridge DDS


Double Dummy Solver (DDS)

BridgeDDS analyses the boards based on Bo Haglund's "Double Dummy Solver (DDS)"
The "optimum contract" and the number of tricks made in various contracts are shown.
The board can then be played interactively to analyze various strategies to play the board.
The makeable scores for each legally playable cards and the optimal play of the remaining cards are shown.

Enter board data
by scanning the played hands with real-time video

Using object recognition to identify the cards

High confidence in the prediction!
Card is recognised and accepted!
Low Confidence in the prediction!
Card is recognised but not accepted!
To achieve "high confidence" change the distance to the scanned card and/or get better ligthing.

The analysis of the board starts automatically when three hands have been completely captured.

Enter board data
using keyboard input

The analysis of the board starts automatically when three hands have been completely captured.

Board is analyzed

The analyses is based on Bo Haglund's "Double Dummy Solver".

Analysis results

Shows achievable number of tricks for each suit & each player direction.
Assuming all hands are played "optimal"!
Shows optimum contracts for each vulnerability combination.
Based on "best result" in a bridge tournament!

Board optimal played
Play board interactive

  • Select trump and declarer.
    • The game order of the cards is displayed.
    • The number of tricks per playable card is displayed.
    • Again assuming all hands are played "optimal"!
  • Select a card to be played to see the results for this selection.
    • The game order of the cards is displayed.
    • The number of tricks per playable card is displayed.
    • Again assuming the remaining cards in all hands are played "optimal"!

Calculator for contract scores