Access Counter

Access Counter

App functionality:

In special times, the authorities issue various rules and laws, which also define how many people can be present at the same time in a shop, restaurant, etc. Violation of these regulations are often punished with a penalty.

The app enables entry and exit of visitors to be recorded and thus always has control over how many people are present in the location at the same time.

There is an
issued when the permitted number of visitors has been reached or exceeded.

Controls only one entry/exit point to the location.


Maximum visitors:

  • Tap "Maximum"
  • Form to enter maximum number of visitors will show.
  • Enter maximum number of visitors.
  • Tap OK

Current visitors:

  • By tapping "Currently" you can set the current number of visitors.

Count visitors in currently in location

A visitor enters the loction


A visitor leaves the location:



Number of current visitors is near to the limit.


No more visitors allowed!
Maximum number of visitors reached!